
Emacs 22.1になっても、Templateを多用するコードをcc-modeできれいに整形してくれません。
Boostのメーリングリストを検索していたら、Dave Abrahamsさんの.emacsが公開されていたので、流用しみました。もともとはhttp://www.boost-consulting.com/.emacsとして公開されていたのですが、現在消えてしまっています。Template周りのコードは、以下のとおりです。

;; C++ template indentation code by Dave Abrahams
(defun my-c-leading-comma-p ()
    (c-forward-token-2 0 nil (c-point 'eol))
    (eq (char-after) ?,)))

(defun my-c-namespace-indent (langelem)
  "Used with c-set-offset, indents namespace scope elements 2 spaces
from the namespace declaration iff the open brace sits on a line by itself."
    (if (progn (goto-char (cdr langelem))
               (setq column (current-column))
               (while (and (search-backward "{" nil t)
                           (assoc 'incomment (c-guess-basic-syntax))))
               (skip-chars-backward " \t")
(defun my-c-backward-template-prelude ()
  "Back up over expressions that end with a template argument list.

Examples include:

        typename foo<bar>::baz::mumble

        foo(bar, baz).template bing
        ;; Inspect the previous token or balanced pair to
        ;; see whether to skip backwards over it
         ;; is it the end of a nested template argument list?
          (eq (char-before) ?>)
          (c-backward-token-2 1 t) ;; skips over balanced "<>" pairs
          (eq (char-after) ?<))
          (c-backward-token-2 1 t)
          (looking-at "[A-Za-z_\\[(.]\\|::\\|->"))))
    (c-backward-token-2 1 t)))

(defun my-c-namespace-open-indent (langelem)
  "Used with c-set-offset, indents namespace opening braces to the
same indentation as the line on which the namespace declaration
    (goto-char (cdr langelem))
    (let ((column (current-column)))
      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
      (- (current-column) column))))

(defun my-lineup-first-template-args (langelem)
  "Align lines beginning with the first template argument.

To allow this function to be used in a list expression, nil is
returned if we don't appear to be in a template argument list.

Works with: template-args-cont."
  (let ((leading-comma (my-c-leading-comma-p)))
      (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
        (backward-up-list 1)
        (if (eq (char-after) ?<)
               (+ (current-column)
                  (if leading-comma (/ c-basic-offset 2) c-basic-offset)))))))))

(defun my-lineup-more-template-args (langelem)
  "Line up template argument lines under the first argument,
adjusting for leading commas. To allow this function to be used in
a list expression, nil is returned if there's no template
argument on the first line.

Works with: template-args-cont."
  (let ((result (c-lineup-template-args langelem)))
    (if (not (eq result nil))
        (if (my-c-leading-comma-p)
            (vector (- (aref result 0) (/ c-basic-offset 2)))

(defun my-lineup-template-close (langelem)
    (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
      (c-forward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'eol))
      (if (and
           (eq (char-after) ?>)
             (c-backward-token-2 1 t)
             (eq (char-after) ?<)))
            (vector (current-column)))))))

(defun my-c++-mode-hook ()
  (setq c-default-style "bsd"
        c-backspace-function 'backward-delete-char
        c-basic-offset 4
        c-tab-always-indent t)

  ;; Add 2 spaces of indentation when the open brace is on a line by itself
  (c-set-offset 'innamespace 'my-c-namespace-indent)

  ;; indent solo opening braces to the same indentation as the line on
  ;; which the namespace starts
  (c-set-offset 'namespace-open 'my-c-namespace-open-indent)

  ;; indent access labels public/private/protected by 1 space, as in 'M'. I
  ;; kinda like that.
  (c-set-offset 'access-label -3)

  ;;fixup template indentation
  (c-set-offset 'template-args-cont

  (set-variable 'c-backslash-max-column 200)
  (show-paren-mode t)
  (make-local-variable 'parens-require-spaces)
  (setq parens-require-spaces nil)